There a couple of new new OSR freebies out you might want to know about
1st up is Secret Santicore 2013
This is a 3 parter, part one having appeared yesterday.
While Santi did not bring this good little gamer what he wanted (a kickass rune system) I have no compliants. Its totally cool and totally free.
As an added bonus, I have an article in Part 2 which will appear at the end of next month.
You can get it at Metal vs. Skin.
Oh yeah and in case you've wandered over here, thanks to Joel , Scrap Princess and everybody involved in this project.I'd have thanked y'all on M.vs.S. but it uses G+ to comment which , well no.It was great working with ya and if you want to try that again, let me know.
Anyway. The other one is the 3rd issue of Gorgonmilk's fantastic OSR zine Underworld Lore.
Its set in the Hyperborean age (aka Conan's time) and it and its two older sibs are both free and awesome.
You can get them at the Gorgonmilk Blog.
‘Level Up’ exhibit at the Chicago Writers Museum
While Toronto is my ‘home base’ these days, as my wife and I own a condo
there (and her job is based there), I also currently live part of the time
in Chic...
3 days ago