Just a personal post
I like to play D&D and generic fantasy in most forms and will play most games, Playing is not my thing though and I can get bored sometimes unless I am into my character or the game.
Now given a choice I'll run
#1 Euro-Centric Fantasy.
Faeries tales mostly, adventure fiction too. From Migration era to the Early Modern . No Cthulhu generally except in Conan games . I don't care much to run or play games in other cultures or eras as I don't understand them well enough do them much justice . Orientalism and similar tropes outright annoy me. I can play Victorian/Old West though and while I have huge respect for the arts and scholarship of the period, its not my thing usually.
#2 Zeerust/Hard SF
Think Aliens, Firefly, Outland, Cowboy Beebop hard SF with cultures I can relate too . I can tolerate Space Opera, Star Trek, Star Wars but they aren't my things. I detest Transhumanism though I actually playtested some of the Transhuman Space books . They are amazing and if you like Transhumanism, you should have them in your collection. I have a few and have even mined them from time to time.
#3 Post Apocalypse
Twilight 2000K stuff with a little Mad Max, not Gamma World or a Boy and His Dog though.
#4 Modern Fantasy/Horror
Anything from I dunno 1970 on up. This is my best genre I think. I run tight games that are usually well received and have run more of this than anything else. Also little Cthulhu here. Not my thing.
#5 Low Powered Supers.
As mentioned before I kind of suck at Supers and while I've enjoyed a few games of Marvel Super Heroes and run a few as well, its hard to find good GM's or games where I can play what I want without hurting anyone else's fun . Low powered supers are another matter as they are a variation of Modern Fantasy really and I enjoy playing and running those
So there you have it. These are what I usually run and given a chance will play.
How about y'all?
‘Level Up’ exhibit at the Chicago Writers Museum
While Toronto is my ‘home base’ these days, as my wife and I own a condo
there (and her job is based there), I also currently live part of the time
in Chic...
3 days ago
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