One of the players in my group made thats spell way back when we were kids (AD&D days actually) but you'll never see it as its been surplanted by Dragon Breath from the Pathfinder SRD.
I am fine with that as the spells are pretty much identical even to the level and material component! Great Minds Run In The Same Channel I guess.
However if I ever do a Pathfinderized "Spell Fluff" for Midrea it might resurface. In such a hypothetical product you'd learn about Roakair the Dragon Mage and the other famous wizards and the now common spells they made.
That product is a long way off it ever comes though. There really isn't much call for it.
Fight On! Issue 16 now available – dedicated to DA Trampier
One of the best things to happen in the “old school” gaming community in
the past year is the return of the amazing fanzine *Fight On! *
*Issue 16* has jus...
2 weeks ago
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