Most of Midrea's wildlife is Terran in origin with a few exceptions such as these from the gateworlds.
All of the beasties below can be tamed or eaten hence the use of "domestic."
#1 Cura
A canine about a hundred lbs or so very reminiscent of an Earth Coy-Dog. They are a bit more aggressive than a coyote but smarter than a wild dog and are generally consider dangerous pests. With some effort however they can be tamed and make acceptable pets.
#2 Mitp
A little rodent common to the Shan worlds. They are cute little critters looking something like a mix of hamster, gerbil and vole and weighing a few lbs. They are often kept as pets (especially by impressionable little girls) and as they are quite delicious, livestock as well.
#3 Kafer
This Kafer is a tasty ( like lobster actually) roach like insect, shiny black and about the size of a fist. They are of Shan origin but as they are very sensitive to cold have not become a pest species. And yes the name is derived from Terran German for bug, it seems to have become the generic name for them, replacing the Shan words.
#4 Slink
Slinks are a huge mustelid , sometimes 6 feet in length weighing well over 200 lbs. They are intelligent and aggressive but are hunted for their beautiful pelts. If taken as a kit, a slink can be trained not to attack its handlers and some exceptional specimens have even been used in similar rolls to dogs.
Fight On! Issue 16 now available – dedicated to DA Trampier
One of the best things to happen in the “old school” gaming community in
the past year is the return of the amazing fanzine *Fight On! *
*Issue 16* has jus...
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