These items are relics of the Unhallowed Wars, each made of well cared for steel covered with runes of preservation and warding. They are usually found on the form of a short sword or mace although other light one handed weapons are possible.
They are +1 undead bane ghost touch weapon with the unique ability to absorb a flask of holy water (and only holy water) poured in the hilt. Any target struck by the weapon takes the effect of the holy water though there is no splash effect or extra damage on a critical hit.
The cost of these weapons is 20,000 plus that of a master work weapon...
It is rumored that there are also "fouled" versions of these weapons in the form of a wicked curved sword that are +1 keen unholy burst and can take a flask of unholy water as above.
These would also cost about 20,000 if anyone was depraved enough to want one.
A Brief History of Ukrasia
This post provides a rough overview and timeline for the World of *Ukrasia*
(the setting for my “*Against the Court of Urdor*” campaign). The history
is ...
6 days ago
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